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Out-of-town travel and the FLSA: Is employee travel time compensable?

Pre-Offer Interview Questions Prohibited by the Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA)

Labor Department Publishes New Guidance on Child Labor Civil Money Penalty Assessments
Are You Including Non-Discretionary Bonuses When Paying Overtime?
If you answered “no,” chances are you are violating the Fair Labor Standards Act (FLSA). The FLSA is the federal law that requires employers to pay overtime at the rate of 1.5 times an employee’s “regular rate” of pay. You’re probably thinking, “I already do
My employee has a “new” Social Security Number… Now what?
Employers are sometimes forced to walk a fine line between I-9 compliance and national origin discrimination. One situation that poses risks on both sides of that line occurs when an employee tells you that they have a “new” Social Security number.
FMLA Medical Certifications: What If My Employee Does Not Return the Form?
Here’s the scenario: Bob is your Marketing Manager and has worked for your company full-time for the last 12 years. Bob recently learned that he needs to have knee surgery and informs you that he will need to miss 6 weeks of work while he
Tips for Effective Discrimination and Harassment Training
Your revised policies are only as good as (1) their publication, and (2) your supervisors’ and employees’ ability to understand them. In order to ensure both, training your employees is necessary, and in some states, required.[1] Here are a few tips to ensure that...
You Break It, You Buy It: Can You Apply This Policy to Damaged Company Property?
It depends on the amount you are trying to recover and how you go about recovering those funds. This issue often comes up because an employee negligently damaged company property or failed to return company property at the end of their employment.
Employee Arrest and Conviction Records – the “Green Factors”
One of your employees was just arrested… Or, you have become aware that a new hire was convicted of a crime… You can terminate the employee, right? Not so fast. In the employment context, arrest records and conviction records are analyzed differently, and neither should